1 | 除了他的双手和脸上一圈以外,他全身发灰,污秽不堪。 | Except for his hands and a circle of his face, his body was grey all over with ancient, ingrained dirt | |
2 | 除了他以外,我们都想去。 | Except for him, we all want to go. | |
3 | 除了通称为游动的不规律星体运动之外,恒星和卫星之间的视差折光差微小,而且是容易测定的。 | The parallactic refraction between the stars and the satellite is small and well determinate, except for the irregular stellar movements known as erratics | |
4 | 除了夏天害花粉热以外,平日里他很健康快活。 | He was usually very well and happy except for attacks of hay fever in the summer time | |
5 | 除了星期日是例外,他每天总到这里吃午饭,带便和朋友们碰碰头。在愉快的应酬谈笑中,他这顿午饭,照例要花去一小时光景。 | Except for Sundays, he usually lunched here, for here he could meet his friends in a cheerful atmosphere, and sit around chatting for an hour or so | |
6 | 除了远处的零星的小冲突之外,这个地区是和平的。 | This area is peaceful except for a few skirmishes in the distance. | |
7 | 除了这本书后面有问题答案以外,这两本书完全一样. | The two books are the same except(for the fact)that this one has an answer key at the back. | |
8 | 除了这本书後面有问题答案以外,这两本书完全一样 | The two books are the same except (for the fact)that this one has an answer key at the back | |
9 | 除了这样极少数人之外,其他的人都是能够挽救的,都是能够经过同志们的帮助去改正错误的。 | Except for a few persons like them, all the others who have erred can be saved and can correct their mistakes with the help of their comrades | |
10 | 除去过渡元素外,价电子位于最外面的电子层。 | Except for the transitional elements, valency electrons are in the outermost electron shell | |
11 | 除特殊规定与要求外,一般为检验用量的三倍。 | Except for the special regulations and requirements, it is the general rule that 3 times of the inspection quantity of drugs shall be sampled. | |
12 | 除体育节目和其他各类特别节目之外。大多数电视节目是在演播室里制成的。演播室分为三种。 | Except for sports and various special events, most TV programs originate in studios. There are three types. | |
13 | 除最后一道题之外的所有问题 | all the questions except for the last one | |
14 | 大家肃然起立,出位恭接,只有汪太太懒洋洋扶着椅背,半起半坐道:“吃过晚饭没有? | Everyone stood to attention, rising from his seat to greet Kao, except for Mrs. Wang, who, leaning indolently against the back of her chair in a position halfway between sitting and standing, asked, "Have you had dinner? | |
15 | 倒算上海来的,除掉旗袍短一些,就看不出有什么地方比自己时髦。 | And even if Miss Sun were from Shanghai, except for her Chinese dress being a little shorter, she failed to see that Miss Sun was any more stylish than she | |
16 | 得克萨斯的大多数城市都相当平坦,除了玻璃大楼冲天而起的市中心商业区,大部分地区有点像个平面。 | Most Texas cities are fairly flat, sort of two dimensional except for the downtown districts where glass buildings rise suddenly toward the sky | |
17 | 渡江作战后,除了三野在上海打了一仗以外,其他的算得了什么大仗 | After we crossed the Yangtze, no battles could be considered big except for the one fought by the Third Field Army in and around Shanghai. | |
18 | 对于闹事的带头人物,除了那些违犯刑法的分子和现行反革命分子应当法办以外,不应当轻易开除。 | The ringleaders in disturbances should not be summarily expelled, except for those who have committed criminal offences or are active counter-revolutionaries and have to be punished by law | |
19 | 犯错误的人,除了极少数坚持错误、屡教不改的以外,大多数是可以改正的。 | Except for a few who cling to their mistakes and fail to mend their ways after repeated admonition, the majority of those who have erred can correct their mistakes | |
20 | 几天之后,令大家惊奇不已的是巴萨城投降了。除格拉纳达外,摩尔王国的其余城市也纷纷投降。 | A few days later, to the astonishment of everyone the city suddenly surrendered, and with it the rest of the moorish kingdom--except for Granada | |
21 | 检验后剩余样品除留样备查外,应当退回报验单位。 | After inspection, the remained samples except for those that shall be preserved for examination shall be returned to the inspection application entities. | |
22 | 教室里静悄悄,只有笔在纸上忙着写字的声音。 | The classroom is silent except for the busy scratching of pens on paper. | |
23 | 教室里静悄悄的,只听见钢笔快速地在纸上书写的沙沙声。 | The classroom was silent, except for the busy scratching of pens on paper. | |
24 | 今黛玉虽客寄于斯,日有这般姐妹相伴,除老父外,余者也都无庸虑及了. | Though Daiyu was only a guest here, with cousins like these to keep her company she felt completely at home, except for worrying sometimes about her father. | |
25 | 酒店挺不错,可是那店主却不怎麽样 | It’s a nice pub, except for the landlord | |
26 | 据国家统计局介绍,到2000年,这16项指标中,除农民人均纯收入、人均蛋白质摄入量、农村初级卫生保健基本合格县三项指标外,其他13项指标均完成或者超额完成。 | According to NBS, by 2000, except for the three indexes of per-capita net income of farmers, per-capita protein intake and rural elementary health care level, the other 13 indexes had all been fulfilled or overfulfilled | |
27 | 可是除了乔迁喜宴之外,客人通常都只待在客厅里。 | But except for housewarmings, guests often don’t get past the living room | |
28 | 立刻全车间静荡荡地没有一点声音,只那些釜里盆里的沸水低低地呻吟。 | Immediately, a dead silence descended on the workshop, except for the faint gurgling of boiling water in the cauldrons and pans | |
29 | 莫霍克头一种发型,头皮剃光,只留一长条竖起的头发从脑门穿过头顶直到脖子的后颈 | A hairstyle in which the scalp is shaved except for an upright strip of hair that runs across the crown of the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck. | |
30 | 那草棚里并没点灯。可是邻家的灯光从破坏的泥墙洞里射过来,也还隐约分别得出黑白。 | The little thatched but was in darkness except for a glimmer of light from a neighbour’s lamp filtering through a crack in the clay-plastered party-wall |